Research Centers & Knowledge Clusters

UNC Charlotte eleven research centers, institutes, and knowledge clusters as well as five active NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC). Each of these research units has its own unique services and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment that can be accessed through partnership agreements. Links to our research centers and knowledge cluster web sites are below.
Bioinformatics Research Center
Center for Applied Geographic Information Science
Center for Biomedical Engineering & Science (CBES)
Center for FreeForm Optics (NSF/IUCRC)
Center for Metamaterials (NSF/IUCRC)
Center for Optoelectronics & Optical Communications
Center for Precision Metrology (CPM)
Center for Professional & Applied Ethics
Center on Configuration Analytics & Automation (NSF/IUCRC)
Charlotte Visualization Center
Childress Klein Center for Real Estate
Infrastructure, Design, Environment & Sustainability Center (IDEAS)
NC Motorsports & Automotive Research Center
Robots & Sensors for the Human Well-being – ROSE-HUB (NSF/IUCRC)